It's true that I can relax at home more than anywhere else, but it also comes with the added responsibilities from which a vacation gives you a break.
I have been thinking about my family so much. It is very odd to go from being surrounded by so many people to being in a house by yourself. Fortunately, there are plenty of pictures to keep the memories of the Amaya family reunion alive and well.
Yesterday turned out to be quite busy. I took my dog, Bailey, to the groomer for a bath. He was pretty dirty from being outside so much. Then I went to the mall to Eddie Bauer to exchange the umbrella I took on my trip because it broke on day 4. After the mall I stopped by and visited with my grandma for awhile. She had a lot of questions about the Amayada. I'll show her the pictures in a couple of days.
Then...I had to pick up Bailey from the groomer and rush home because the repair guy was coming to fix my leaky clothes washer. Luckily, he found the problem quickly. But it cost $147. $119 was just the labor--which took about 20 minutes. Sheesh! We are at their mercy.
By the time he left it was around 4:30 and I just wanted to be home. I did more laundry, did some picking up in the house, made dinner, and cleaned the kitchen. Not very glamorous, but I never mind cleaning the house. Bailey went on his first walk in 9 days and he was so happy to walk and to be clean, that he strutted down the street like a furry peacock.
Throughout the day I sat at the computer and worked on uploading my pictures from the trip. For whatever reason, some of them came off the memory stick out of order. Those I uploaded one at a time. The rest I uploaded in reverse so that they are displayed in the correct order on Photobucket. It was much more complicated than it should have been.
I wrote to my mom and a couple of cousins. One of the emails got bounced back to me, so I'll have to try something different. I was trying to send a short video as an attachment, and I guess it didn't like that.
Today I woke up surrounded by my pets. I guess they missed me! I had one cat on my pillow, another balled up in the crook of my arm, and my dog licking my elbow to get me to wake up and give him breakfast. I wasn't ready to get up yet, though, and part of me wants to climb back into bed. My body is still recovering from all the traveling.
Hmm...tempting! We'll see...
Here are a few group photos from the trip. If you're family, you know who everyone is. I just don't have the energy right now to label everything in detail. That will be on the separate AMAYADA 2008 page.
Thanks for reading and visiting!
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