Thursday, November 13, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy...

I feel like I owe it to some of my loyal readers to keep this blog updated. There is less to talk about these days with the election over, but life is still busy.

November, February, and June are always the busiest months of the school year. Report cards are due tomorrow, parent conferences are next week, and we've got shortened days and weeks for 3 weeks in a row. Trying to fit some high quality teaching in with all of the inconsistency can be somewhat of a challenge. I feel like we aren't going to be back on track until we return from Winter Break in January, but we have to do our best.

So that's where I've been! Yesterday I taught all day, came home and watered the garden, did laundry and dishes, and worked for 3 intense hours on report cards and on setting up parent conference appointments. By 7pm I was numb!


Sally said...

This is me crying with jealousy that you still have warm enough weather to garden. *boo hoo* Why can't I live in S. California????

Kristie said...

I would LOVE it if you moved to Southern CA!! We would have so much fun! And, lest you be misled, I'm just watering, not exactly "gardening." On the contrary, I have some weeding to do. Those little buggers are so aggressive! But, yeah, come on over! Bring the kids! :-)