Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Family Who Waits for You...

Recently I have had renewed appreciation for my church family.  Moving to a new state where you have no family can be, and was, daunting, but now I hardly think about that fact.  Not working outside the home and not having children could have really limited me in my socializing opportunities, but my church family gives me more than enough.

It's funny, because a few years ago I probably would not have said that.  But then, a few years ago I was living near my actual family and had coworkers.

I think the reason I've been thinking about this is because, not only do I know the benefits of having spirituality and a church family in my life, but I've also recently observed others who do not. I've seen examples of loneliness, bitterness, and anger. A spiritually devoid life has been the common denominator.

What I love about having a church family is not that anyone is perfect, because we are not, but that we are a bunch of imperfect people trying a little harder.  Instead of sports and shopping and housework, my church family is dedicating one day a week to honoring the Lord by going to church and the rest of the week by living what they learned on Sunday the best they can.

Like I said, we are imperfect.  But I love that there is an atmosphere of love and concern.

Having a church family means giving back sometimes too.  Sometimes it means giving back a lot.  But it is a blessing with many more rewards than sacrifices.

If you are feeling sad, lonely, forgotten, or depressed, I highly recommend seeking out a church family of your own.  If you're LDS, as I am, this means becoming reacquainted with your local ward.  If you are of another faith or not of any faith, this means some other legwork (and prayer, and maybe even visiting a few places until you are comfortable.) One of the great things about an LDS church family is that you meet at the same time each week and, therefore, see the same people.

I think the Lord rejoices when He sees us reach out to each other in a church setting.  We can be answers to others' prayers as well as receive our own answers.  It is amazing how our problems seem less when we are serving others.

Thank you to my church family.  You have blessed my life.

1 comment:

MOM said...

Hi hon, I just read this and agree so much. I do think having a church family is special and having the common love for God and trying to be better all the time enriches our lives. It's wonderful to be with people that share those feelings.