Monday, March 10, 2014

Birthdays on a healthy diet...

So this was our birthday week!  Eric's was on Thursday and mine was on Friday.

We ate out...a lot.

On Tuesday was a birthday lunch for me with some friends.
On Wednesday Eric had a craving for Don Pedro's Mexican food.
On Thursday night we went out to dinner with friends for Eric's birthday.
On Friday we went out for sushi on my birthday.
On Saturday Eric's parents took us out to Mexican food.

And my weight survived.

I did the Jillian Michaels Blast Fat, Boost Metabolism workout 6 mornings in a row--Monday through Saturday.  Somewhere within that time I conquered that plateau I was in and lost 2 more pounds.  Yesterday, though, I was up 2.5 pounds.  I tried not to get discouraged, telling myself it was only temporary.  And this morning I was 0.8 away from the lowest I've been so far on this journey. That's only a 2-3 day recovery from 5 meals out last week.  Not bad!

My trick for not letting the birthday week get the best of me was to order light, usually salads, whenever possible.  At the Mexican places I just ordered small.

I also planned the way I ate the rest of the day, letting those meals out be the big meals of the day.   And, of course, sweating for an hour each morning helped!

It still amazes me that I'm not hungry during the day because enough calories are being consumed.

It also amazes me how quickly my body is adjusting to not eating dairy (except for eggs and butter for cooking.)  On Saturday I had a few bites of a sopapilla (whipped cream over ice cream over a taco shell) and my skin did not respond well the next day.  Blotchies. 

On another note, yesterday I began reading Jillian Michaels' book, Master Your Metabolism.  Very, very interesting.  It's about how your hormones affect your weight loss.  I know very little about hormones and their names and functions, but I know more now.  I'm excited to get into the part of the book which talks about which foods work best with growth hormones (the ones that make you burn fat when exercising.)

So there you go--5 times eating out with minimal consequences.  It can be done.

Want to see my favorite workout?  Click HERE.  Not for beginners!  (I do standing burpies, not the ones on the ground...)


MOM said...

Great to hear of your success. As far as not being hungry...I think it was Dr. Oz that said that we crave if you are eating healthy, you don't get as hungry because your nutrients needs have been met. That may be why junk food is not as satisfying and/or long-lasting...just a thought. Congrats!!!

Kristie said...

Unfortunately, I find junk food very satisfying. That's the problem! But I haven't had any in weeks.