My new washer and dryer were finally delivered today! 5 days later than what I was told last week, but 2 days before the "best-case scenario" I was told when I ordered them 2 weekends ago. It all works out, and the slight delay gave me a chance to learn more about them and become more adjusted to the "idea of the change.
They were delivered and hooked up and ready to use by 3:30 this afternoon. 4 hours later and I'm on my 5th load on laundry. So far, they seem to be working just fine. Yay! And I purposely have done different kinds of loads of different sizes: a medium sized load of towels (one was a "work towel" that was VERY soiled and it came out spotless,) a medium load of light colors, a bigger load of dark colors, two blankets, and right now I'm washing my heavy jacket.
Everything has come out looking great, no unusual smells, the machines are quiet and don't dance across the room, and I'm using 1/2 the detergent because they are water-savers.
All of my worry about this big change and ordering such fancy models and I have a good feeling that everything will work just fine. Whew!
P.S. I did discover the downside of doing so many loads in one afternoon though--I have to put them all away!
Yay for new appliances! Here's hoping they have a long and happy life in your home. =)
Thanks! I don't think that they will be as durable as the machines of old--it seems like modern things are just not built to last for decades and decades--but if I can get 12-15 years out of them, I'll be happy. So far, so good...
Here's to 12-15 years! Good choice on the top loader. My mom got a front loader and the clothes don't come out nearly as clean. Several other family members have had the same complaint about the front loaders.
Yes, I wasn't quite ready for THAT big of a change, and I wanted fancy, but with the older look. So far I'm happy with my choice! I hope I can say the same thing a few years from now!
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