Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Inner Light

Despite the fun things I like to post on my blog, it has been difficult not to be affected by some of the events happening in the world lately...the recent riots in England, the tragic deaths of the soldiers in that military helicopter, the famine in Africa, and, of course, our American economic troubles.

I'm one of those people who, if I allow it, can focus on the sadness of these things too much. It is a very helpless feeling to see people suffering and know that the problems are so widespread. It is also maddening to see the greed and decadence in other parts of society. Will there ever be a happy medium? Probably not. I remember feeling that way too as a teacher and having to remind myself that any dent of progress I make is a step, however small, in the right direction.

Now that I'm not teaching I need to find other ways to relieve those feelings. It is hard to find that balance of not being too affected, yet still wanting to be informed about what is happening.

I find myself having a lot of internal dialogue. One good thing about not having to work full time anymore is that I'm more available to help others. I helped a family from church clean their floors before moving a few weeks ago and I was so glad I could. And I get to be a more diligent Visiting Teacher.

Meanwhile, I also try and focus on what I like to call that "inner light" that we all possess. That part of us that contributes, either positively or negatively, to the rest of the world. What am I supporting (or not?) What am I condoning (or not?) What is my tolerance level for certain worldly things?

No matter how small, we all contribute a certain attitude and energy to the world we live in. I'm trying to make more of an effort to contribute in a positive way.


Pamela said...

Beautiful, inspiring thoughts, Kristie. Thank you!

Kristie said...

Hi Pam! Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment!

Tricia said...

I like your thoughts, Kristie. Sometimes it all feels like more than my heart can handle, too.

Karen said...

I think you have the right idea, though - make whatever difference you can in your own small corner of the world. It might only be one person each day, but you never know the impact you're making in those lives!

P.S. We've been gone for the last two weeks, so it was fun to come back home and catch up on all of your posts! Congrats on your one-year anniversary, too!!

Anonymous said...

I admire you so much, Kristie. You are wise beyond your years...and you have a wonderful way of expressing it all. Love, MOM

Sally said...

Beautiful words, Kristie. Your mom is so right about you being wise, you were always so much wiser than me. You were in our twenties, you are now. I'm happy I get to enjoy some of the light you spread around the world!

Kristie said...

Thanks Mom and Slook Sally for the nice comments.