Well, it has been an unusually slow night for trick-or-treaters, so I'm going to blog and hand out candy when the doorbell rings.
I've got my $5 Target glittery jack-o-lantern t-shirt on today that I get to wear once a year and a ton of candy. I'm hoping that things will pick up soon. I've got sound effects playing through the window, glowing pumpkins, spider webs, the whole works! The thing is, we have a lot of elderly people on this street who just turn off all their lights and don't give out candy. Sad, huh?
Today at school it was not too Halloweenie...
The kids are allowed to wear costumes, but they aren't allowed to wear gory make-up and they have to wear their costumes over their uniforms. Naturally, the motivation to wear costumes is minimal! That's OK. The gross and scary costumes are really popular in the neighborhood where I teach.
After school, the classroom behind mine was hosting a haunted house and a HUGE line of kids formed when the bell rang. I stood out by my classroom's back door eating a lollipop and chatting with kids and parents.
Because I was in the middle of all that noise, I didn't hear my cell phone ring. It turns out my cleaning lady, who comes every other Friday, had tried to set my security system and then tripped it. The security company called me, my cell, my mom, then my mom called my cell twice. Long story short, the security company called the police, who had 2 cruisers come to my house.
My mom handled it and was able to get a hold of the security company, as did I, after going through a ridiculously long phone menu.
So back to tonight, which is too quiet! At least all the kids are really polite. We don't really have mischief makers during Halloween around where I live. I'm grateful for that.
And, tell me if I'm being petty...
The neighbors next door keep using my driveway (our driveways are side by side) even though I've asked them not to. They're nice enough people, but kind of clueless. Today there was a big ol' black mark across my driveway from the tires turning. I'm annoyed. It's a rental next door, which is a drag. I know that in the grand scheme it is not that big a deal, especially considering my previous post, but still...
Just for the record, I'd be annoyed, too!
OK, I feel better! I don't want to be "that" kind of a neighbor...
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