Friday, October 30, 2009

Sick Day...

I woke up feeling so unbelievably lousy this morning. I look and sound like a NyQuil commercial. There have been some minor signs for days, but this morning a bad cold was full blown. When it does happen, it is usually in October.

Today was a pupil-free day--no students--with a meeting by the math publishers. There was no way I could go. The only place I've been today was Target to get a new blanket for my bed, and I got a cart there just to have something to lean on.

The rest of the day has been spent in bed, enjoying a recording of last night's episode of Grey's Anatomy, and sleeping, sleeping, sleeping. That when I really know I'm sick, because I very rarely sleep during the day. Not sure if I have a fever, but I suspect I do.

Thank goodness I have 2 more days to try and kick this. I guess I know what I'll be doing this weekend. So much for working on report cards. Hopefully I can still make it to day trip to San Juan Capistrano on Sunday with my cousin.

Back to bed. Blah.


Karen said...

Yuck!! I see this post was from a few days ago, so hopefully you're feeling better now!??

Kristie said...

I wish I could say I was, but I'm going on Day 6 of this awful flu. I have an appt with the Dr. Haven't been to work since last Thursday and will have to take tomorrow off as well. Bye, bye sick days! :-(

Kristie said...

P.S. And now my mom has it too