Thursday, August 28, 2008

This is your brain...

Remember that commercial? It's a famous one.. Here's my version--

"This is your brain."

"This is your brain the week before school starts."

That's how it feels right now. Stimulation and information from 100 different sources. Concerns, worries, obligations, schedules, ambitions, and hopes. Trying to control the things I can't, and dominate the ones I can.

So, in the spirit of a new school year, it was time for a little facelift on this blog. Thanks to the Cutest Blog On the Block website for helping me out there. (But their site still runs way too slow for my taste and I refuse to put distracting links on my page. So this is the one shout-out they're gonna get.) Props to the CBOTB for the great designs. OK, I'm done.

I'm down to 3 days left available to work in my classroom. Only next Tuesday will be a required and paid day. The rest are on my own time. I'll probably do 2 days--tomorrow and Tuesday. The Labor Day weekend needs to be 3-days. That's the rule I've set for myself.

My brain is going into "school mode," which it is forced to do with the pre-first-day-of-school trainings and staff meeting. Lots to think about. Lots to worry about if I allow myself. I wish I could be one of those non-chalant people that let things roll off their backs, but, alas, I'm not.

One day at a time, focus on the positive, etc. Even platitudes have their usefulness once in a while...

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