Well, this is it! I can't believe I have to go back to work tomorrow. It has been so nice to enjoy the freedom of setting my own schedule each day.
Today I was determined that I wouldn't be a slug like yesterday. I even set my alarm (which I reset for a later time) and got up a little earlier than I have been, although I've never been one to sleep in too late. I promised myself that I would be somewhat productive and I have been.
Last night I did my market errands for the upcoming week and had the extra treat of watching the floats from the Rose Parade being pulled down Huntington Drive in San Marino. On my way to my first stop I only saw 2 floats, but on the way back I saw about 20 or more.
This morning I stuck to my guns and stayed busy: dishes, laundry, linens, and bills. It feels good to have those things done. The rest of the day was mine and I could enjoy it a lot more knowing those things were done. I've continued to enjoy that Roku player from Netflix and relaxed in front of a pleasant movie with Christopher Reeve that must have been made very close to his horse-riding accident.
The one thing that I haven't done is take down Christmas stuff. I don't feel like tackling that job quite yet, and I certainly don't want to spend hours and hours of my last vacation day doing that. So, I'll take it down the way I put it up, a little at a time over the next few days. My goal is to get it all down by Friday. Let's see how I do...
And now I'm just trying to keep good thoughts about the upcoming weeks. Next week we're having some important and intimidating visitors to the school. That's always fun--not. All I can do is go one day at a time. That's all any of us can do, right?
I went to see the Rose Parade down in Pasedena not too far from where I live. I didn't take any pictures sadly...
I'm a late sleeper, I always set my clock for 6:30 and wind up going back to sleep and waking up at 10:00
Oh yeah... forgot to ask. Where did you get the gatdget that keeps track of the number of visitors you get??
I got it at amazingcounter.com. If you click on the counter it will take you directly to the site. Thanks for visiting!
I was all set for the school routine to start back up and then it snowed a bunch and the kids have a snow day on the first day after Christmas break!
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