Monday, July 7, 2008

Last post before my trip...

To my loyal handful of readers--I leave tomorrow afternoon for my trip to Mexico. No internet where I'll be, so this is my last post until I return.

But, since I have several cousins who want to know how things go at the reunion, I'm going to try and keep a journal of the trip. When I return I hope to create a blog dedicated to the experience with many of the pictures I plan to take.

Today was spent running all of those last minute errands and now, at almost 8pm, I get to start packing...

See you later until I return next week! Up, up, and away...

1 comment:

Bryan G. said...

I hope you have a wonderful and safe trip. I am a loyal reader and I don't know what I will do without your blog for the week... maybe I will take my dog for a walk in your honor. I cannot wait to hear about the trip.
