Thursday, November 20, 2008

A day of tiredness, frustration, and superheroes...

Today was odd. On the frustrating front, a good 1/3 of my kids didn't finish their homework, despite the fact that they had 2 days to do it. They didn't have school yesterday while I had 18 conferences and stayed until 7:30pm. I was not happy.

A Smartboard training for the 5th and 6th grade teachers was scheduled for this afternoon, which was new information as of this morning, and that really put a kink in our day and our week. I've decided to just stretch out our week through until next Tuesday. We only have school Monday and Tuesday next week. It is hard getting anything done this time of year with the many interruptions and crazy schedules.

The Smartboard training had some interesting points and I learned a few new things, but many of the teachers are at different levels with their technology knowledge, so we kind of jumped from one thing to another.

At the end of the day I got a call from the office saying that the mother of one of the kids I have in the morning from another class is unhappy because I marked her son tardy 3 times last month. She felt it was unfair. Yeah, OK. If he was on time I wouldn't mark him tardy. It's pretty simple, really.

I left right after school, got a haircut, and now I'm home just counting the hours until the weekend and next week's 5-day break. I feel that combination of exhaustion and adrenaline at the same time.

So right now I'm trying, trying to relax and wind down, hanging out in the sunroom, doing the wireless internet thing with my laptop on my lap, and watching Iron Man, the latest Netflix delivery. Nothing like a little superhero escapism...


emmsifoppicus said...

It does sound all disjointed with days off for the kids here and there - is it like half-term or something?

Sounds exhausting! Enjoy your days off :)

Sally said...

Come on Kristie, I know you like to mark kids tardy just for kicks. :)

Kristie said...

Ah, well, the truth comes out!